October 28, 2010

After delaying the white iPhone 4 several times, Apple decided to completely remove the white version from the Apple online store. Yesterday, an Apple representative claimed another delay until spring 2011 and Apple decided to cancel everything in favor of iPhone 5.

Previously, there was the option for the white iPhone 4 with this text under the image: "White iPhone currently unavailable for pre-order or in-store pickup"

The real problem behind those delays is light-leakage.

"When the white iPhone 4 takes a photograph, the semi-translucent glass cases leaks extra light into the camera which absolutely ruins photographs. Cult of Mac’s source said, “You don’t get accurate pictures on the white iPhone because of the color of the glass back. It washes out the pictures”. The source also said that Apple might have to do a complete redesign of the white iPhone 4 to deal with the light leaks."


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